Hearing loss is grouped into six separate categories: normal, mild, moderate, severe, severe-to-profound, and profound. To determine the degree of hearing loss a person has, their own hearing healthcare professional conducts several tests.
Decibels (dB) are the units that measure sound intensity. Hearing loss is categorized based on the minimum threshold that an individual can detect, measured in dB. Below is a table explaining the various degrees – or categories – of hearing loss, typical cutoff points (in dB), as well as likely obstacles an individual may encounter. Note that these threshold range values are general guidelines. Exact ranges per category may differ slightly per clinician.
It’s important to note that not all hearing losses are the same. Two individuals with the same loss (for example, mild hearing loss) may have vastly different experiences. Additionally, a mild hearing loss does not imply mild hearing or communication difficulties.
If you have questions or concerns about your hearing, it’s best to consult with a hearing professional. They can identify your degree of hearing loss and can provide a solution fit for your needs. Call (888) 919-6824 or click here and we’ll help you schedule a consultation with a hearing care professional in your area.